Review: Bombshells United #2

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoiler]

Writer: Marguerite Bennett

Artists: Rachel Dodson and Terry Dodson


Wonder Woman has set up refuge for Cassie Sandsmark and Donna Troy’s friends and families in the middle of a forest—but displacement is displacement, and they want to go home. Then, to make matters worse, a spy has infiltrated the camp! Has Wonder Woman put everyone in even greater peril?


We catch up with Wonder Woman, as she in the middle of a fight with Clayface and both Donna and Cassie must protect their refugee camp in the middle of the forest. Meanwhile back the refugee camp, everyone is getting restless as their makeshift retreat doesn’t quite feel like home. Of course, Dawnstar is there to offer words of wisdom about inflicting the same cruelty as your oppressors to some of the refugees. Clayface loses Wonder Woman and heads for the camp which quickly becomes a cat and mouse game. Eventually she suspects there is a spy in the camp, but soon realizes that Clayface has been playing them against each other the whole time.



This issue seems sluggish at times, as the pace lacked any clear direction.


I would borrow this one as the next issue looks to be the payoff in this story arc.