Batman is set to return to the world of the hard-boiled detective as Turner Classic Movies (TCM) has partnered with DC Comics to enhance their Noir Alley brand by teaming the Dark Knight detective with host Eddie Muller for a free comic, in select stores today, just in time for Batman Day this weekend.
The free book is written by Stuart Moore and features the new dynamic duo chasing down a prized artifact from the Gotham City Museum. It can be found at the DC booth at NY Comic-Con this October and DC has provided a site to find which particular stores will carry the book. Curiously, it is currently not available at Comixology, in spite of the “same day as print initiative” which has guided most DC publications for the last several years.
TCM is also adding a unique virtual reality experience for their Noir Alley fans. Launching in October, fans of noir will be able to go and play through a seven episode virtual reality experience, on either a desktop or their virtual reality devices. The game will allow fans the chance to solve a murder by searching for clues and interviewing witnesses. The project is titled Noir Alley: 360° and was created by Sprocket Creative.
Pola Changnon, senior vice president of marketing, brand creative and talent for TCM, stated,
“At TCM, it’s our goal to continuously create fan-first experiences and provide opportunities to engage and interact with our brand both on and off the TV screen.”
So be sure to check out for their Noir Alley experience and stop by your local comic book shop to pick up your copy of Batman in Noir Alley.