Courtney Ford Joins The Cast Of Legends Of Tomorrow

Courtney Ford will join the cast of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Dexter fans will remember her as Christine Hill. In LoT, she will play Eleanor, the daughter of Damien Darhk, again played by Arrow vet Neal McDonough. Eleanor is described as “cunning with a charming dose of otherworld creepiness”. If that’s not enough, she has the ability to manipulate others. Ray Palmer (Ford’s real life husband Brandon Routh) will find an attraction to her in the coming season.

Arrow fans already met Eleanor back in season four, but at that point she was a little girl known as Nora. As the Legends attempt to fix time paradoxes that have occurred since the season finale, they will run into lots of new and old characters at different points in time.

Be sure to check out DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow when it premiers on Oct. 10.