Ben Affleck’s SDCC Cosplay Revealed!

Much like his role as The Dark Knight himself in November’s Justice League, Ben Affleck proved he’s just as adept at hiding in plain sight. Mostly.

At this past San Diego Comic Con, the actor decided to have more fun after his solo panel for the much-anticipated film directed by Zack Snyder with reshoots by Joss Whedon. For this, Ben took a cue from costar Henry Cavill (Superman) and his stunt last year going incognito with a mere Guy Faux mask all the way to Suicide Squad autograph session. The 6’4”, 200 lb. (all muscle, allegedly) actor chose the source of his costume from the least likeliest of places: Sesame Street.

Donning a green Oscar The Grouch t-shirt and a skull mask, Affleck may have been photographed in the background by other attendees and they hadn’t even noticed. For someone of his size and build, that’s no easy feat. Further complicating things was his security detail. For the most part, it worked until he was videotaped by Instagram user “stang02mu”, and was instantly recognized by an ecstatic female fan after he walked by in the video. It did not help much when they saw him adjust his mask.

Holy bat-blunder.

For most fans, this levity was needed during a time at the convention when fans were uncertain as to whether Affleck would continue his role as the Dark Knight of the DCU, which Ben gratefully quashed to everyone’s delight. Mingling amongst the people did wonders as well for his street cred.


I'm an Ontario-based news writer, as well as graphic illustrator with his own commission business. I've been a comic collector since I was ten and have enjoyed the lore of these larger than life figures ever since. I graduated with an HBA from the University of Toronto in Humanities and have worked for both local and online news outlets.