Review: Batman #28

[Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers!]

Writer: Tom King

Artist: Mikel Janin



The war between Joker and Riddler continues, and Gordon seeks to make peace between the two. Reaching out to Joker and Riddler, Gordon wants to know what are their conditions for peace. The answer? Batman…dead. As the bodies escalate, the national guard is soon called in, but can they stop the slaughter?


Tom King has taken this war between two of Batman’s worse enemies to a whole different level! Nearly every criminal in Gotham City has taken a side in the war, and the streets have run red with blood. Batman himself has his hands full as Deathstroke, who works for Riddler, and Deadshot, who works for Joker, make Gotham City their own shooting gallery. It takes Batman five days to stop the two criminals–with him giving a severe beating to them both.


Tom King has given me no negatives in this book. The story was well told, the action was great, and I’m looking forward to seeing how this war ends. I have to admit, I’ve always wanted to see an encounter between Deathstroke and Deadshot, and King gave it to me here! The fight was so good, I was actually disappointed when Batman shows up! I wanted a clear winner between the two, so hopefully King gives us a rematch in the future.


Batman #28 is a good read. Out of all the villains that exist in the DC Universe, I must admit that the villains of Batman are the ones I enjoy the most. When we see the forces that Riddler and Joker both have, it’s a testament to how dangerous Gotham City is and just why the city needs Batman. I’m looking forward to seeing what steps Batman takes to end this war — and if those choices will have any long-lasting consequences.

Steven Brown

I'm an aspiring author and I've just published my first book Sincere's Prayer: The War of The Clans. The story of an assassin and his war to save the world from an unknown and ancient enemy. Also a comic reviewer for DC Comics!!! Be prepared to read posts and reviews about the newest titles DC has coming out!!! Thanks for following me!!!