QMX Reveals New DC Figures Ahead Of San Diego Comic Con

San Diego Comic Con is just around the corner and it is only a matter of time before the comic book universe gathers to show off everything that everyone has been working on. One of the really awesome aspects of attending Comic Con is the ability to see new collectibles and merchandise before it hits the shelves. QMX, makers of figures and a wide assortment of merchandise from a variety of sources, will be revealing new figures that look fantastic and come at a reasonable price.


First up and off her hit summer movie is a QMX figure of none other than the Amazonian princess, Wonder Woman. The figure features Diana on top of a horse at full gallop, sword drawn, with an intense look in both her and the horse she’s riding.

The Dark Knightling

Next we have of course the Dark Knight, Batman. This figure features the New 52/Rebirth version of Batman with the hint of yellow border around the bat insignia on his chest as well as that iconic, clenched-teeth grin of the Caped Crusader. To add to the dynamic pose of Batman, he is featured jumping off of (what else) a stone gargoyle.

A Purrfect Kitty

Not to be outdone by the Batman, Catwoman will have a new figure come summertime that we are sure will have fans ‘flipping out’. This figure has Selina Kyle in a great back flip pose as she jumps off her own stone gargoyle with that carefree smile that fans have come to love about her.

These figures should be available this summer but no exact release date has been set. If you need to get your hands on one of these figures or just want to check out the other figures they have, visit their website by clicking here.


Joseph Marcas

Joseph is a contributor to DC Comics News and hopes to someday become a superhero. He enjoys writing, politics, and everything between ballet and monster truck rallies.