Sub-Zero Will Be Coming To Injustice 2 in July

The critical and fan-favorite fighting game Injustice 2, has released another character that will be coming soon and it is none other than Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat. Sub-Zero will be available on July 11th as part of NetherRealms Games (the developer) ongoing development of downloadable content for the the game.

On Twitter, NetherRealms studio head and long time game developer Ed Boon, used an allegorical tweet to release the information. If you’re a fan of a certain fantasy show on HBO, then you easily understood the reference.

Injustice 2 already features an impressive roster of 30 characters taken from the DC comics universe and it appears as though 9 characters will be added as part of the DLC. Sub-Zero marks another character to be announced so far with Red Hood and (potentially) Starfire revealed in Boon’s tweets. In recent demonstrations of the game, players have noticed that there are silhouettes of characters and they’ve been trying their very best in order to figure who is yet to be revealed.

Some have speculated that Rorshach from Watchmen fame might be one of them. Other names being tossed around include The Atom, which has been featured prominently in the DCTV universe, as well as Black Manta and Raiden (if you look at the silhouettes, it’s hard to argue against it being them).

Only time will tell what characters will be included when all is said and done. In the meantime, who do you want to see in the Injustice 2? Let us know in the comment section.

Joseph Marcas

Joseph is a contributor to DC Comics News and hopes to someday become a superhero. He enjoys writing, politics, and everything between ballet and monster truck rallies.