Warner Bros releases newest Wonder Woman TV spot labeled “Goddess”

We are getting down to the wire with the release of Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment’s next superhero epic: Wonder Woman. It’s more evident now with today’s release of the film’s newest TV spot entitled “Goddess”. The title refers to Wonder Woman’s origin which is mentioned briefly in the commercial.

You can see the spot down below.

The spot includes some additional snippets of scenes we have seen for the most part but in case you missed any of the other commercials, you can see them down below.

Here’s another spot which highlights the relationship between Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor.

Wonder Woman is in theaters June 2.

Featured image courtesy of comicbookmovie.com



Joseph Marcas

Joseph is a contributor to DC Comics News and hopes to someday become a superhero. He enjoys writing, politics, and everything between ballet and monster truck rallies.