Review: Batgirl #9

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers.]

Writer: Hope Larson
Artists: Chris Wildgoose, Jon Lam & Mat Lopes

Batgirl continues to investigate Penguin’s son while also dating him.

The cover by Chris Wildgoose is efficiently creepy. I like the colors quite a bit and I love how intimidating Penguin looks.

The interior art features pencils by Wildgoose, inks by Jon Lam and colors by Mat Lopes. I like this team’s style a lot. There’s an energetic movement to the art that captures Barbara’s personality.

I really enjoyed the talk about what apps do. They’re referred to by Babs as data-mines. Apps can collect a lot of personal information about people. That is terrifying and potentially dangerous.

The conflict between Alysia and Jo is interesting. Parenthood is a scary thing for some people and I like that Alysia is reluctant. It’s a tense conflict because Jo and Alysia clearly want different things and that’s a hard thing to overcome especially when it deals with raising a child.

As much as I like the cover, I wish the Penguin wasn’t on it. I spent the entire issue expecting the Penguin to show his face so it wasn’t a surprise when he comes in at the end. The issue plays his appearance as a surprise cliffhanger which is fine and would be effective if he wasn’t on the cover.

This is a solid issue. The art is great and Hope Larson continues to characterize Babs very well. I’m interested by several of the the story elements; I like how much is going on in Barbara’s life right now. The issue is a fun read with solid social commentary.

Sean Blumenshine

Sean Blumenshine

I am currently a senior at Wichita State University studying communications. I started reading comics in 2013 because of how much I loved Man of Steel and season one of Arrow. My favorite hero is the Green Arrow and my favorite villain is the Joker.