Review: Teen Titans #4

[Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers.]

Writer: Benjamin Percy
Artists: Khoi Pham, Wade Von Grawbadger, & Jim Charalampidis

Damian has set out on his own to protect the Teen Titans now that the Demon’s Fist has targeted them. By surrendering himself to Ra’s al Ghul and returning to the League, he’s hoping that their pursuit will be called off. The ever sinister Demon’s Head would do no such thing! Damian now must think quickly on his feet while surrounded but his enemy to save the others, his friends?

Meanwhile, the Teen Titans, have collected themselves in the Batsub and are planning their next move. Do they save the pint-sized terror that abducted them? Or do they leave him to clean up the mess that he started and dragged into their lives?

The coming of age stories set in motion at the inception of this series are showcased literally in front of Damian’s eyes. Khoi Pham’s art style has normalized and in this issue there are little to no traces of the face pinching or other odd details noted in the previous issue.

The look of Ra’s al Ghul’s base is also great. It is a giant cave with certain staples of his character strewn about, such as a Lazarus pit. They are a far cry from the high-tech mobile science bases seen in Batmam: Birth of the Demon from many years ago. This change and new take, a more barren looking base fits the story perfectly and looks awesome.

While well written and certainly entertaining, this issue suffers from predictability of story. It certainly isn’t afraid of it with the foreshadowing that goes on which is a welcome does of straight forwardness. It does however lead to a somewhat boring read. I especially look forward to the big clash in the next issue between the Teen Titans and the Demon’s Fist.

While predictable, this issue is certainly exciting and full of ninja action. Not to mention a good stab in the back!

Konrad Secord-Reitz

Konrad (@WednesdayNR) is a comic book fan for all genres. Staring with superheroes and moving toward more non-traditional characters and stories he reads everything and anything that draws his attention and is written well. Growing up Konrad watched Batman:TAS and all the other WB cartoons. That childhood love of Batman spread into gaming and comics. In 2011, with the New 52, Konrad picked up his first comic and started collecting, not stopped since. Konrad loves to review comics and interview your favorite artists and writers! For more of his content be sure to follow him on social media and check out his website