On the next episode of Supergirl, Kara finds herself on another planet facing off against Roulette again.
This is the episode directed by Kevin Smith so I am naturally excited. His season two episode of The Flash was pretty impressive but I thought his season three episode was flat. However, that episode was consistent with the quality of the current season of The Flash which is not very good. Smith has an insane passion for these characters that does come across and I cannot wait to see this episode.
I was not a huge fan of the previous Roulette episode so her return does not excite me although I did enjoy Dichen Lachman’s performance. This could be a cool episode but the concept of Supergirl being without her powers is not that interesting to me. The story has been done even in this show last season.
“Supergirl Lives” is directed by Kevin Smith and written by Eric Carrasco and Jessica Kardos. The episode airs Monday January 23 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time on the CW.