Review: Batgirl #6

[Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers.]

Writer: Hope Larson
Artists: Rafael Albuquerque & Dave McCaig

On her way home from Asia, Batgirl must deal with an attack on a plane.

The art by Rafael Albuquerque and Dave McCaig continues to be solid. The issue is drawn by Albuquerque with colors by McCaig. The faces are very expressive which I love. The colors are an interesting mix that creates a very dynamic looking book.

Poison Ivy is featured in the issue and it is fun to see her. I like the way she’s drawn; artists have a tendency to focus too much on her sexuality and that is not the case here. Ivy is not here so I can leer at her and that’s cool. Batgirl and Ivy are also a fun team; Ivy has a laid back attitude in this issue that contrasts well with Babs.

Airplane traps are usually pretty fun and this one is no exception. There is an isolation factor and the plane is 35,000 feet in the air. There’s already a danger and then a scary plant monster is added into the mix. It’s a fun concept.

I like that this is a standalone story. These are somewhat rare in favor of multi-part stories so I’m always happy to see a single story told in one issue.

While I like how expressive the faces are, some of them are a little too much. They can feel way too over the top and silly especially from Ivy. The cover by Albuquerque is a good example of this. If the book had a slightly more comedic tone, I think this might work better but their faces on the cover completely distract me from anything else. They just look goofy. Additionally, I don’t like the plain white background for the cover.

This is a fun read. It’s a cool concept both with the plane in danger and the inclusion of Poison Ivy. The art is pretty good with exceptions in a few places. Overall, I enjoyed this one.

Sean Blumenshine

Sean Blumenshine

I am currently a senior at Wichita State University studying communications. I started reading comics in 2013 because of how much I loved Man of Steel and season one of Arrow. My favorite hero is the Green Arrow and my favorite villain is the Joker.