Review: Detective Comics #945

[Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers.]

Writer: James Tynion IV
Artists: Al Barrionuevo, Carmen Carnero, & Scott Hanna

What is a team at its heart? A group of people coming together to complete a common goal in the short term. In the long term, a team is when a group comes together out of common beliefs to work in unison. Batman began that team when he designed the Belfry and united the new Bat-Family. Now though, the Victim Syndicate’s strikes have begun eroding that bond.

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During this issue Batman ruminates on the past and there is a great throwback to Greg Capullo’s cover for Batman #24. We also get to see a new Batmobile in this title which looks like a cross between a bulldozer and a hot rod. I hope they do some really cool stunts with the car in the coming issues.


In an earlier review, I had said that the Bat-Family needs time to recover after the previous arc but weren’t getting it due to the new villain. This issue in a way acts as that and it allows us to see the impact that everything is taking on the characters as individuals, but also as a unit. This changing dynamics is captivating as everyone is trying to cope.


There is nothing negative to say about this issue. It explores each character’s relationship with their past as well as with those around them. Seeing Batman’s way of life thrown in his face is awesome and I’m sure hardcore Bat-Fans will love this question being brought up.

This issue was great, I really loved how each character is developed further, especially the exchange between Batwoman and Batwing.


Konrad Secord-Reitz

Konrad (@WednesdayNR) is a comic book fan for all genres. Staring with superheroes and moving toward more non-traditional characters and stories he reads everything and anything that draws his attention and is written well. Growing up Konrad watched Batman:TAS and all the other WB cartoons. That childhood love of Batman spread into gaming and comics. In 2011, with the New 52, Konrad picked up his first comic and started collecting, not stopped since. Konrad loves to review comics and interview your favorite artists and writers! For more of his content be sure to follow him on social media and check out his website