Suicide Squad’s Behind The Scenes Drama


In today’s big movie budgets and magic that are comic book movies there are some things that can’t be avoided backstage such as ambitious release dates, running through multiple edits as well as scene cuts, and of course pranks. David Ayer and Warner Brothers production president Greg Silverman said this,

This was an amazing experience. We did a lot of experimentation and collaboration along the way. But we are both very proud of the result. This is a David Ayer film, and Warners is proud to present it.

Even with this amazing experience according to the Hollywood Reporter there was an anonymous tip from someone who has ties into the movie said that it was pretty much a dead sprint from the word go. There is more to this fun read and behind the scenes drama by clicking here. Don’t forget that Suicide Squad comes out tomorrow/tonight August 5th.


Brandon Richardson

Brandon Richardson

Hey everyone, my name is Brandon and it has always been a dream to work in comic books. And to do this is amazing and a lot of fun for me because not only do I get to read and write about what DC Comics is doing but it gives me more insight into who the characters are.