First Look: JUSTICE LEAGUE #2 “The Extinction Machine” Part 2

justiceleague2aWritten by: Bryan Hitch

Art by: Tony S. Daniel, Sandu Florea

Cover by: Tony S. Daniel, Mark Morales, Yanick Paquette

Solicit Synopsis

“The Extinction Machine” part two!

Massive earthquakes shake cities to the ground as the ancient intelligence known as the Awakened takes control of the people of Earth, forcing them to turn against anyone with superpowers-including the Justice League!

Unable to fight a war on two fronts, Batman asks for help from the one man he trusts less than anyone.

Take a look at the preview below.

Justice League #2 hits shelves this August 3rd.

This week’s previews

Antonio Jose Chavez

Antonio Jose Chavez

Antonio is a comic book artist-in process, writer and a huge fan of everything related to DC Comics. He would like to become the next Batman, however he lacks the billions to do so....oh and the ninja training too