Review: Detective Comics #937

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers.]

Writer: James Tynion IV

Artist: Alvaro Martinez

Detective Comics 937 munitions


Detective Comics #937 picks right up on the tail end of #936. We see the new Bat-Family working their way through the sewers in an attempt to escape their new foe. What does this turn of events mean? A new militaristic Batman, Inc.? or is it something more. Throughout the issue, we learn more and more about the meaning of Colonel Kane’s mission and his Batman military unit!

In the mean time, Batman is being held captive by these men. They have taken him and are studying everything they can lead by a new villain! or maybe an ally? Batman himself isn’t sure what to make of this young new person.


The Positives

This story just keeps winding itself up and unleashing new and interesting characters for us to meet. Not only does it show us new characters, but it shows us new faces on some old ones.

Detective Comics 937 WhereThe Negatives

I don’t have anything negative to report! The issue was interesting and had wonderful art. The depictions of the characters in the art are very unique from the New-52/DC You versions and yet clearly the same characters. The art is a joy to see.


This issue continues this interesting story sown back in the soil of Detective Comics #934, the tension is building in this arc and will surely deliver a huge climax.




Konrad Secord-Reitz

Konrad (@WednesdayNR) is a comic book fan for all genres. Staring with superheroes and moving toward more non-traditional characters and stories he reads everything and anything that draws his attention and is written well. Growing up Konrad watched Batman:TAS and all the other WB cartoons. That childhood love of Batman spread into gaming and comics. In 2011, with the New 52, Konrad picked up his first comic and started collecting, not stopped since. Konrad loves to review comics and interview your favorite artists and writers! For more of his content be sure to follow him on social media and check out his website