SDCC 2016: Exclusives From Funko Revealed Part 2

A ton of great exclusives will be available at the 2016 San Diego Comic Con International. This years con will be held at the San Diego Convention Center and will take place on July 21–24, 2016 (with a July 20th preview night). Check back with DC Comics News for more SDCC 2016 news!

Click on the links for more SDCC 2016 exclusives Previews, Kotobukiya ARTFX+, Sideshow Collectibles, Funko.

Rock Candy: Catwoman (Purple Suit)


Pop! TV: The Flash – 6″ Gorilla Grodd


Pop! Rides: ’66 Chrome Batmobile (Toy Tokyo LE)


Pop! Movies: Suicide Squad – Underwater Batman


Pop! TV: iZombie – Olivia Moore



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Thomas ODonnell

Thomas ODonnell

My love of comics started at the age of 5, when visions of mythic beings fought their way across my TV screen. Batman '66, Super Friends, Wonder Woman, and Superman '78 filled my early childhood with imagination and adventure. Soon enough I found the spinner rack! Batman, Justice League and DC's Who's Who kept me coming back for more. I've seen the death of hope, justice broken, a light extinguished, and a universe torn! A kingdom come, the lightning return, a triumph of evil and a multiverse reborn!