Review: DC Universe: Rebirth #1

Dc Comics News Rebirth Batman Superman Wonder Woman Flash Shazam Cyborg Green Lantern J'onn

!!Spoiler Free!!

Rebirth. The process of being reincarnated or born again.

Legacy. An amount of money or property left to someone in a will.

DC’s Rebirth has been stated by many of it’s writers and artists to be about the DC legacy. About paying homage to the history of DC comics. About the ideas, characters and passion being passed down from the old guard to the new as the universe is reborn.

Rebirth who are you

This issue does that and in more ways than anyone is expecting. The issue starts with a mystery narrator who is quickly revealed. Rebirth is very straight-forward in what it tells the reader. This narrator talks about history and what was lost in Flashpoint. About the severed bonds of old, the time lost between comrades and the memories of every living being. It contains glimpses of new characters, shots of cherished heroes, and a twist ending that hales back to the dark and gritty DC of the 80’s.

Rebirth takes it’s reader on an interesting story that weaves together the old and new continuities. We see characters dealing with the consequences of The Dark Side War. How did the power of Gods effect the Justice League? What remains in the wake of the final battle? These questions are all touched on but not totally answered in this issue.

Dc Comics News

To find out about the aftermath of the Dark Side War, to see what the JL and the rest of the world now sees, and to learn what will happen to Superman, the one character we know that has already been reborn into this universe, you’ll have to read on. Turn every new page in the timeline. Open every issue to see how the new universe was built and who now stands in it…

And more importantly, what has crept its way into the universe while all eyes were looking elsewhere?!

Rebirth darkness

This issue was fantastic, truly one of the best comics I’ve had the pleasure of reading in recent history. With everything that it clearly sets up, with everything that it leaves in the dark, and all the cool sneak peeks it gives, it is something for New-52 fans, and for Die-hard old fans to love.


Konrad Secord-Reitz

Konrad (@WednesdayNR) is a comic book fan for all genres. Staring with superheroes and moving toward more non-traditional characters and stories he reads everything and anything that draws his attention and is written well. Growing up Konrad watched Batman:TAS and all the other WB cartoons. That childhood love of Batman spread into gaming and comics. In 2011, with the New 52, Konrad picked up his first comic and started collecting, not stopped since. Konrad loves to review comics and interview your favorite artists and writers! For more of his content be sure to follow him on social media and check out his website