Ben Affleck seems to like Geoff Johns

Actor/writer/producer/current Batman and avid swear-mongerer Ben Affleck has expressed his admiration of Writer/Producer/DC CCO Geoff Johns in a brief promotional video for DC Comics new “Rebirth” initiative.

Said Affleck, ““I would read anything by Geoff Johns. F****** genius, I love him. I love DC, I’m really excited about where it’s going, and I couldn’t be more honored and thrilled to be on board and part of this DC universe.”

The casual swearing is censored in the video below. But you have to ask yourself, Ben, would Batman kiss his mom with that potty-mouth?


J. Brent Stewart

J. Brent Stewart

J. Brent Stewart is a singer/songwriter (Royal Bears, Les Debutantes) bassist (Removador Records recording artists The Ravenna Colt), webseries host (2 Men 1 Couch Productions: One on One with Glen and Brent, Bits and Brews with Brent and Brian), Louisville Cardinals basketball fan, ordained minister, Kentucky Colonel, and Notary Public at Large.