“Batman v Superman” Takes Major Dip At Box Office

Thanks to no serious competition, “World’s Finest” team remains number one.

It appears the first motion picture outing featuring DC Comic’s Trinity of superheroes is not bulletproof. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Zack Snyder’s foray into creating the DC Extended Universe, took a 68%  plunge in its second weekend at the box office. It’s the biggest drop of any movie headlining The Dark Knight or The Man of Steel.

But it looks like Warner Bros. made a wise chose in picking March 25 as the opening weekend for the film. Since there was no major competition, Batman v Superman is still number one at the box office. So even though B.O. totals went from  $166 million to only $52.4 million, BvS earned estimated $261.5 million domestically and $681.3 million worldwide.

Critics and some fans have given the film a lukewarm reception. Filmmaker Kevin Smith, who only a few months ago toted the film and the beginning of the DC Extended Universe on a CW television special with glee, recently gave a review on his podcast. He liked the visual effects and framing, but felt it was lacking some heart:

“There was enough stuff in there, and again, I’ll call it the parademon theory. Which is like that was enough. It didn’t f****** matter what happened from there in on out. It didn’t matter if the movie made sense, it didn’t matter if it was well made as a Marvel movie or a f****** whatever, didn’t matter that you know, it didn’t have a moral. That’s the thing man, Deadpool has a moral. Doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside, its what’s on the inside. I don’t think Batman V Superman has a moral. I’ve been trying to think about it since I’ve seen it twice, or once and a 3 quarter times. Not quite sure, I guess the moral might be don’t judge a book by its cover. Maybe? I don’t know man, but I like my superhero stories to have morality.”

Time will tell over the next weeks whether Batman v Superman will carry its own weight or buckle. It will face some stiff opposition for fanboy dollars when Captain America: Civil War premieres next month.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is in theaters NOW!

Kevin Gunn

Kevin Gunn

Kevin is married with 4 children and 4 grandchildren. He lives in Louisville, KY. He loves all things related to DC Comics, even movies that get a bad rep like "Batman & Robin" and "Catwoman". Kevin began writing for the site in 2015 as a Staff Writer. His passion for writing stories caught the eye of the editorial staff, and earned him a position as Assistant Editor. He has a degree in Communication from the University of Louisville. His favourite DC hero and villain are Black Lightning and Black Manta respectively. Kevin tries to exemplify being a hero everyday by helping others. Something interesting about him: he was a contestant on "Wheel of Fortune". - Follow him on Twitter - @captsigma