Zack Snyder Talks About Forming The Justice League in Batman v Superman

justice league

Warning: Article Contains Spoilers

Batman V Superman has the three main stars Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, and Gal Gadot as Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. But the film also introduces other members of the Justice League such as Aquaman, Cyborg, and the Flash. Adding these characters into this film set up future Justice League films. Zack Snyder talks about the process of choosing those heroes to be members of the Justice League.

“I thought long and hard about who to bring in — who the Justice League would be made of,” Snyder told IGN. “It was really to me like those were the heavy-hitters — right now. Of course there is room for some more. And I absolutely had to save, keep some back, for the next shock of awesomeness. But those guys felt like the guys that needed to surface.”

You can see the full interview below.

Hillary Weiss

Hillary Weiss

Born and raised in South Florida, I love to read and write. My favorite DC Comics hero is Oracle.