Jason Momoa & Ray Fisher Respond To Batman V Superman Critics


If you thought the biggest problem that Batman and Superman had to face was Doomsday or Lex Luthor you may want to reconsider. With all of the negative reviews on the Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice movie it is hard to explain it to those who may not have the comic knowledge as some of the more die-hard fans might. Zach Snyder made this film so it could open the doors to and explore more of the DC Cinematic Universe. Although some are beginning to wonder if there is some missing components that could make it as successful as what Marvel has done.

To combat this Jason Momoa and Ray Fisher – Jason as Aquaman and Ray as Cyborg in the DC Universe – are not happy with the way the film has been ridiculed by critics and returned fire with funny images on their social media sites. Such as these two gems.

Brandon Richardson

Brandon Richardson

Hey everyone, my name is Brandon and it has always been a dream to work in comic books. And to do this is amazing and a lot of fun for me because not only do I get to read and write about what DC Comics is doing but it gives me more insight into who the characters are.