Fan Submits “The Flash” LEGO Set Idea

Artist submits proposal of STAR Labs brick set

So apparently, LEGO fans can submit ideas for potential sets. And what would make for better inspiration than a top rated superhero drama like The CW’s The Flash?

The Denmark based plastic construction toys company hosts a social media site for like-minded bricklayers called LEGO Ideas. And a LEGO “Mason” Kizmo has submitted his specs for a set based on the Scarlet Speedster’s base of operations — STAR Labs, complete with residents minifigures of Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Harrison Wells, The Flash and The Reverse Flash.

While the minute details like logo are not exact, the rendering of the sets in brick for is pretty spot on. If you think this set should be produced by LEGO, you can click on the link here to vote.  Projects with 10,000 supporters qualify for review by a board of designers and marketing representatives. Once it passes the review process, sets become official LEGO products, with creators receiving credit and royalties from sales. Voting for this project ends on January 30, 2017.

The non-LEGO version of The Flash airs Tuesday at 8/7 c on The CW.

Kevin Gunn

Kevin Gunn

Kevin is married with 4 children and 4 grandchildren. He lives in Louisville, KY. He loves all things related to DC Comics, even movies that get a bad rep like "Batman & Robin" and "Catwoman". Kevin began writing for the site in 2015 as a Staff Writer. His passion for writing stories caught the eye of the editorial staff, and earned him a position as Assistant Editor. He has a degree in Communication from the University of Louisville. His favourite DC hero and villain are Black Lightning and Black Manta respectively. Kevin tries to exemplify being a hero everyday by helping others. Something interesting about him: he was a contestant on "Wheel of Fortune". - Follow him on Twitter - @captsigma