Hal vs. Hal: Green Lantern to Battle Parallax, Venditti Shares Details with DC All Access

Next month, the current and only Green Lantern in our space sector will battle a familiar character.

It’s the Parallax-possessed Hal Jordan from the pre-New 52 universe vs. the current renegade Hal Jordan in a battle to protect or destroy Coast City.

Writer Robert Venditti shares with DC All Access the details of this upcoming clash of emerald gods.

Take a look at the video below.

Hal Jordan’s returned to Earth. Sonar is waiting for him. But Parallax Hal Jordan is on his way. And someone’s going to get their hands on the Green Lantern gauntlet! Curious? Scripter Robert Venditti is here to tell you how it all comes together.

What do you think of the Green Lantern’s books direction so far.

Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Antonio Jose Chavez

Antonio Jose Chavez

Antonio is a comic book artist-in process, writer and a huge fan of everything related to DC Comics. He would like to become the next Batman, however he lacks the billions to do so....oh and the ninja training too