Red Arrow Unknowingly Saves The Life of Famous Super-Villain In This Clip From Young Justice’s DVD Vol. 3

DC Kids has released an all-new clip from the third volume of Young Justice’s upcoming DVD.

The series may be done on television, but is sure has an extensive fan base, as the third volume from Season 1 is coming to DVD and we all know it won’t be the last of the series coming to the home entertainment format.

Red Arrow saves the life of one of the most dangerous villains in the DCU, take a look at the clip below.

Red Arrow thwarts Cheshire’s attempt to….watch the clip to find out!

What would you do if you know you just saved the life of Lex Luthor?

Let us know in the comments section below.

Young Justice – Season 1: Volume Three DVD will be available on February 21st.

Antonio Jose Chavez

Antonio Jose Chavez

Antonio is a comic book artist-in process, writer and a huge fan of everything related to DC Comics. He would like to become the next Batman, however he lacks the billions to do so....oh and the ninja training too