DC’s Legends of Tomorrow’s Episode 1.10 Title and Credits Revealed

Arrow and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim has revealed the official title and credits for the tenth episode of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.

He shared the reveal on twitter, along with the title and credits for Arrow’s episode 4.15.

The upcoming tenth episode is called ‘Progeny’, and is written by Phil Klemmer and Marc Guggenheim, and directed by David Geddes.

What do you think could be the story for the tenth episode?

Let us know what you think in the comments section below.


For the latest DC’s Legends of Tomorrow news, click here.


Antonio Jose Chavez

Antonio Jose Chavez

Antonio is a comic book artist-in process, writer and a huge fan of everything related to DC Comics. He would like to become the next Batman, however he lacks the billions to do so....oh and the ninja training too