Director Zack Snyder visited The Conan O’Brien Show last night to premiere an exclusive clip from his new film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. In the clip, Superman (Henry Cavill) delivers a stern warning to Batman (Ben Affleck).
Snyder also discussed the differences between this film’s Batmobile and the Tumbler used in Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice debuts in US theaters on March 26, 2016.
Kevin is married with 4 children and 4 grandchildren. He lives in Louisville, KY. He loves all things related to DC Comics, even movies that get a bad rep like "Batman & Robin" and "Catwoman". Kevin began writing for the site in 2015 as a Staff Writer. His passion for writing stories caught the eye of the editorial staff, and earned him a position as Assistant Editor. He has a degree in Communication from the University of Louisville. His favourite DC hero and villain are Black Lightning and Black Manta respectively. Kevin tries to exemplify being a hero everyday by helping others. Something interesting about him: he was a contestant on "Wheel of Fortune". - Follow him on Twitter - @captsigma