Review: DC Bombshells #8

The secret Nazi weapon has been unleashed on the unsuspecting Allied forces.  The Tenebrae, an army of the undead are striking back and only the Bombshell heroes can save the day.  Stargirl and Supergirl are confronted with the truth about their parents and how they came to be.  Mera discovers something even worse than mines underwater.  A new danger is rising and it might be more than they can handle.

The Positive

Bombshells 8 1As much as fun as it is to watch superheroes beat up on bad guys, especially Nazis, it can seem a bit one sided.  The inclusion of the Tenebrae makes for a very interesting enemy.  They grow their numbers through killing and the dead, making them that much harder to stop.

Wonder Woman’s story opens as she and Steve Trevor have a discussion about her role in the war and the atrocities of war, but it quickly changes as they encounter not only the Tenebrae army but their leader.

The main focus is on Supergirl and Stargirl as their mother lays out the truth of how they came to be.  The art style for the flashback is different and a fun way to show the story.  There’s added friction when Kara feels even more excluded after Kortni/Courtney goes out to meet her true father.

The Negative

Wonder Woman doesn’t have much to do in this issue.  It’s clear that she will have a larger role in the next chapter, but here it’s nothing more than a tease.

The art quality in the second half of the book with Supergirl and Stargirl drifts a bit, especially in the quieter moments.  The characters feel a bit off model and rushed.

Bombshells 8 4


The Verdict

This issue builds a good amount of tension as the Tenebrae army rises.  The family drama with Supergirl and Stargirl creates an additional element to the story.  Add in a Lovecraftian horror waiting under the sea and it makes everything that much more complicated for the heroes and that much more interesting for us as readers.
