Batman V Superman Possibly seen in 70mm Limited Release


Hello everyone! Just when you thought Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice wasn’t going to get any better but then according to The Hollywood Reporter, Warner Brothers is considering screening this epic movie in limited 70mm releases of this film; even though it was in 65mm IMAX. The 70mm format has not been seen in theaters for quite some time now. In a quest to recreate a classic movie going experience for the release of the movie Hateful Eight in which Warner Brothers is using all that hard work along with other studios to try to do screenings of a number of different movies, which includes this awesome movie.

I think a lot of people are entertaining [the idea of a 70mm release], it becomes a no-brainer.

Says the producer of the movie Hateful Eight Shannon McIntosh. What do you guys think? Is the movie going experience going to be revived or do you see this just as a passing phase? Comment and let us know below.

Brandon Richardson

Brandon Richardson

Hey everyone, my name is Brandon and it has always been a dream to work in comic books. And to do this is amazing and a lot of fun for me because not only do I get to read and write about what DC Comics is doing but it gives me more insight into who the characters are.