New ‘The Flash’ Promo Gives First Look At Wally West!

Recently, the CW released the promo images for the upcoming mid-season finale, ‘Running to Standstill’.

Most notably, the episode features fans first look at possibly the most highly demanded character to make an appearance since the series started; Wally West, portrayed by Keiynan Lonsdale, comic-verse Barry Allen’s nephew and long time sidekick.

The episode also features the return of Mark Hamill as The Trickster, Wentworth Miller as Captain Cold, and Liam McIntyre as Weather Wizard.

Wally west

“When Mark Mardon AKA The Weather Wizard (guest star Liam McIntyre) returns to break Leonard Snart AKA Captain Cold (guest star Wentworth Miller) and James Jesse AKA The Trickster (guest star Mark Hamill) out of Iron Heights, Barry (Grant Gustin) must stop these rogues from taking over Central City during Christmas. Meanwhile, Joe (Jesse L. Martin) and Iris (Candice Patton) meet Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale). Kevin Tancharoen directed the episode written by Andrew Kreisberg (#209).”

The episode is set to air on the 8th of December, 2015.