‘Dark Knight Returns’ prequel details revealed.

Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade will be the title of the upcoming Dark Knight Returns prequel.

DC recently revealed the title and cover of the prequel to Frank Miller’s iconic Dark Knight Returns. The Last Crusade will be a 64-page one-shot set 10 years before the events of Dark Knight Returns, and will focus on Jason Todd (Robin II) and his death.

“This book’s a prequel to Dark Knight Returns and it’s got a lot to do with Jason Todd and what happens to him at the hands of the Joker. All this was only touched on in ‘Dark Knight Returns.’ We know Jason Todd met his end, but this is going to tell the story of how he met his end and what transpires up to that point.” – John Romita Jr.

The Last Crusade will be written by the Dark Knight III: The Master Race writing team, Frank Miller and Brian Azzarello, and illustrated by John Romita Jr.

Surprisingly, Romita Jr. recently admitted to not having read the classic Dark Knight Returns until a month and a half ago, preferring to focus on artwork rather than dialogue. In an interview published on the DC website he stated he “was not looking to read ‘Dark Knight Returns,’ I wanted to see the artwork and follow it story wise.” He is nevertheless a fan of Frank Miller’s work; the two previously having worked together on Marvel’s 1993 miniseries Daredevil: The Man Without Fear.

Check out Romita’s amazing work for The Last Crusade’s cover below.

Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade is set to hit shelves Feb 17th next year.