The Flash: 28 Photo Preview Of Ep.206, “Enter Zoom”

The CW releases 28 photographs from the upcoming episode of The Flash, set to air on November 10, 2015!

You can read the official synopsis for the episode below. Episode 206, “Enter Zoom” was directed by JJ Makaro and written by Gabrielle Stanton & Brooke Eikmeier. The episode is set to air on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 8/7c, only on the CW network

BARRY COMES UP WITH A PLAN TO DEFEAT ZOOM — After recent events, Barry (Grant Gustin) decides it’s time to confront Zoom and comes up with a dangerous plan. Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) sides with Jay (guest star Teddy Sears) and deems it too dangerous for Barry to engage with the speed demon. However, Iris (Candice Patton) shows her support and brings forth a surprising ally. We see what Earth-2 Harrison Wells’ (Tom Cavanagh) life was like before coming through the breach.

Check out the photos below! All photos: Dean Buscher, Cate Cameron/The CW–© 2015 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.

You can enjoy a preview trailer of The Flash episode 206, “Enter Zoom” below!

The Flash, “Enter Zoom” Scene sneak preview.

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Thomas ODonnell

Thomas ODonnell

My love of comics started at the age of 5, when visions of mythic beings fought their way across my TV screen. Batman '66, Super Friends, Wonder Woman, and Superman '78 filled my early childhood with imagination and adventure. Soon enough I found the spinner rack! Batman, Justice League and DC's Who's Who kept me coming back for more. I've seen the death of hope, justice broken, a light extinguished, and a universe torn! A kingdom come, the lightning return, a triumph of evil and a multiverse reborn!