Steve Trevor Has Been Chosen

Recently rumors have been making the internet rounds about Chris Pine taking over as Hal Jordan. Out of all the Green Lantern “maybes” Pine would’ve pulled it off. Sadly this rumor has now been put to bed. It was announced today that Chris Pine would be joining the Wonder Woman cast. It seems like all the Green Lantern noise was just that… noise. Pine will be taking the role of Steve Trevor. Before all of the GL hoopla, there were talks of Pine playing the role of Wonder Woman’s love interest and now it has been confirmed.

According to The Wrap, Pine will not be playing a side role in the film. He is signed on to a multi-picture deal. It looks as though Chris Pine will be in the DC Cinematic Universe for a while.

“Steve Trevor will be no mere love interest for Gadot’s Diana Prince, as there will be plenty of action to keep him busy.”

Steve Trevor is known from the comics as the man who brought Diana to the world of men from Themyscira. After doing so Wonder Woman and Trevor maintained a close romantic relationship for awhile. Currently in the pages of DC, he is tasked with the job of government liaison the Justice League.


Jason Fuchs (Ice Age: Continental Drift) is writing the script for Wonder Woman while Patty Jenkins is set to direct. The film is due to release June 23, 2017. What do you guys think? Will Gal Gadot and Chris Pine be DC’s new power couple?

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