New Line Cinema will now handle all films based on DC Comics’ Vertigo imprint including Sandman, while Warner Bros. Pictures stays with the movies based on DC’s main super-hero universe, known as the DC Comics Universe.
The Vertigo line of comics centers on ”dark” and grim characters like Neil Gaiman’s Sandman, and other pivotal titles like Constantine and Hellblazer, Preacher and Lucifer.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s involvement in the upcoming Sandman film have many fans speculating whether the film was going to be connected with the rest of the DC Cinematic line. Rest assure it will not. It appears this report just reinforces Gaiman’s Sandman will steer off the superhero route and become the launching pad of the Vertigo Cinematic Universe or at least the first in a series of many great individual films based DC’s Vertigo. It was considered impossible to bring Sandman to the big screen, but Gordon-Levitt and the rest of the crew on the film might just prove us wrong. The characters and their respective series that have been published by Vertigo over the years work better as stand alone projects, but who knows? Maybe a unity among this famous characters is just the story we need.
This however complicates whether a Justice League Dark film will be possible if New Line will now handle films based on Vertigo’s characters like Constantine.
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