DC Icons Race: See Who Wins

Who would win if DC icons Batman, Superman, and The Flash were to race. Hyundai suggests an answer in their new overseas car ad.  Superman and The Flash have a long history of racing one another, with The Flash usually just edging out the Man of Steel.  The match up between these super powered beings is obvious, inevitable, and most of all, just plain fun.  But Batman?  And in a footrace with no Batmobile, no technology.  See who wins below.

Yeah, Batman wins the race.  Was there any doubt that the Dark Knight would prevail? Hyundai’s ad was well put together, with great visuals and sound.  But Justice League members as car salesmen? I guess we all do what we have to do.


Jeff Mongold

Jeff Mongold

Jeff Mongold is a graduate of Ashland University's MFA in Creative Nonfiction program. He currently works at Hiram College in Northeast Ohio. Jeff has been published in The Broken Plate, Kept Mistakes, and Elephant Journal.