DC All Access breaks down Legends of Tomorrow

This week on DC All Access fans got a special look inside Legends of Tomorrow. The CW’s new superhero team-up show is catching a lot of buzz lately. After the stellar run of Arrow and the phenomenal first season of The Flash this show is looking to be pure gold. What is better than one or two heroes fighting a common enemy? The answer is a handful of DC favorites up against one of the most notorious DC villains, Vandal Savage. If you don’t know anything about Vandal Savage read some back stock or check out the DC animated feature DOOM. The A.T.O.M., White Canary, Hawkgirl, Captain Cold, Heatwave, and Firestorm will all be featured in this new series where heroes become legends.

Tiffany from DC All Access got the inside scoop from a few of the cast members for an exclusive for #DCTV. She spoke to Ciara Renee about her upcoming role as Hawkgirl.

“What we’re kind of looking to do is to meld some of the story lines that Hawkgirl has had over the years together. So it will be kind of interesting, this is like her origin I guess. The fans are so supportive. People are so excited to see Hawkgirl and to see the show.”

Wentworth Miller also had a few words about the difference between the Captain Cold on The Flash compared to his new role on Legends of Tomorrow.

“I think that there is something in Captain Cold’s kind of latent moral code that, now that he’s forced to interact will these good guys, may start to take shape in a new and unexpected way.”

Tiffany also got to speak to Caity Lotz about coming back from the dead.

“I won’t be coming back as Black Canary, but I am coming back as White Canary. She’s going to be interesting because of her circumstances and her back story. She definitely is going to have dealt with some stuff that none of the other characters have.”

If I’m being honest every time I have watched the trailer for Legends of Tomorrow I get chills. A show based around an actual “super-team” is something fans have needed for a long time. Watching the trailer feels like watching something that is coming to theatres. Just to get a feel for what I mean or in case you haven’t seen it check out the Legends of Tomorrow trailer below. Also, to see Tiffany’s full line of interviews on DC All Access just click right here.

Legends of Tomorrow will be coming to The CW sometime in early 2016

And by the way, we are finally going to get to see Palmer shrink.

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Source: DCAllAccess