Detective Comics Post-Convergence Preview (Updated with Cover)

DC Comics has released an official sneak peek at what’s coming for Detective Comics now that Batman is ”gone”, now starring Jim Gordon as the new dark (armored) knight.

Official solicit synopsis:

There’s a new status quo between Batman and the GCPD, especially in regards to Harvey Bullock. Harvey offers a deal to Batman, and we meet the new addition to Harvey’s task force-Renee Montoya!

Take a look at the preview below!

detective comics       detective comicsDTC-950-dyluxlo-res-crop-Page-3-2048-55490da2be1ea5-38351142-1e06fDTC-950-dyluxlo-res-crop-Page-4-2048-55490e23bd16d5-87035183-99e14DTC-950-dyluxlo-res-crop-Page-5-2048-554913ff3d25d6-71176849-7015d DTC-950-dyluxlo-res-crop-Page-6-2048-55491465a7f773-32098413-c12e5DTC-950-dyluxlo-res-crop-Page-7-2048-554914d2b61af6-35701942-d5508detective comicsDTC-950-dyluxlo-res-crop-Page-9-2048-5549157b30b7b4-18608041-8f557


Cover for issue #41 by Francis Manapul

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Antonio Jose Chavez

Antonio Jose Chavez

Antonio is a comic book artist-in process, writer and a huge fan of everything related to DC Comics. He would like to become the next Batman, however he lacks the billions to do so....oh and the ninja training too