Grant Gustin Talks Season Two

Tonight’s season finale of The Flash was, in a word, astonishing. From the opening sequence to the end credits this was an episode of perfection. This final episode of the season was overflowing with emotion. Barry had a one-on-one with almost every main character in Central City. Barry’s talk with his father was full of joy and pride. The conversation with Iris was full of love and it showed the chemistry between Gustin and Candice Patton. Thawn/Wells and Barry’s interaction was chalked full of hatred with a fine line of respect. By far the biggest and most heartfelt meeting was between Barry and Joe West. Grant Gustin shined in this scene. His acting surpassed anything I’ve seen this season. Grant Gustin is The Flash.

I don’t want to give too much away to the people who haven’t got a chance to watch the episode yet but it was a great ending to a wonderful first season. One giant Easter Egg flew through the black hole and the episode ended on an edge of your seat cliffhanger. It is going to be a long few months for Flash fans.


Grant Gustin was asked countless questions about season two of The Flash at the 2015 CW upfronts. It was clear to see that he is having just as much fun as Grant Gustin as he is playing Barry Allen. Gustin also talks about wanting to make Barry a little more aligned with The Flash we all know from the comics. He wants The Flash to get that cocky and fun attitude back while assuming his role as the protector of Central City.

“I just innately have fun doing this,” Gustin said. “I had actually gotten to a place where I talked to [EPs] Andrew Kreisberg and Greg Berlanti about it, because I felt like Barry had gotten to this really dark place, and he maybe wasn’t having fun anymore,” he told us, expressing his concern. They promised me that Barry was still having fun, and he’d still get those moments. I want to be able to, next year, get a little more cocky with it and confident with the super powers. I want to be a little bit closer to the Flash from the comics,” he said.

With this freshman season of The Flash wrapped up, what is it you’re looking forward to in season 2? Looking back to the conversation between Cisco and Wells/Thawne it is looking like Vibe could be coming soon. Also, will Caitlin be taking the role of Killer Frost anytime soon? I’m definitely looking forward to seeing the new team-ups and villains they roll out next year. I’m really hoping Cisco can figure out a way to fit Barry’s suit into the classic Flash-Ring.


So what was your favorite part of tonight’s episode?

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Source: CB