DCN has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for April 1, 2015.
Check back every Sunday with the DCN Pull Box to see all the cool new DC Comics titles and collectibles that will be available at your favorite local comic shop! So, what titles or collectibles will you be picking up this Wednesday? You can sound off in the comments section below! Click on Comic shop Locator to find the comic shop nearest to you!
Absolute Green Arrow By Kevin Smith HC, $99.99
Arkham Manor Endgame #1 (One Shot), $2.99
Batman And Robin Annual #3, $4.99
Batman Eternal #52 (Andy Kubert Variant Cover),
Batman Eternal #52 (Jason Fabok Regular Cover), $3.99
Batman Superman Annual #2, $4.99
Batwoman Annual #2, $4.99
Convergence #0 (Of 8)(Adam Hughes Variant Cover),
Convergence #0 (Of 8)(Ethan Van Sciver Black & White Variant Cover),
Convergence #0 (Of 8)(Ethan Van Sciver Regular Cover), $4.99
Convergence #0 (Of 8)(Patrick Zircher Variant Cover),
Convergence #0 (Of 8)(Tony S. Daniel Variant Cover),
DC Comics Zero Year TP, $24.99
Deathstroke #3 (Tony S. Daniel 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99
Earth 2 World’s End #26 (Andy Kubert Regular Cover), $3.99
Earth 2 World’s End #26 (Ardian Syaf Variant Cover),
Flash A Celebration Of 75 Years HC, $39.99
Flash Season Zero #7, $2.99
Gotham Academy Endgame #1 (One Shot), $2.99
Harley Quinn #16 (Amanda Conner Left Hand Variant Cover),
Harley Quinn #16 (Amanda Conner Regular Cover), $2.99
Harley Quinn #16 (Amanda Conner Right Hand Variant Cover),
Harley Quinn #16 (Dave Johnson Movie Poster Variant Cover),
Hinterkind #17, $2.99
Looney Tunes #224, $2.99
Names #8 (Of 9), $2.99
New 52 Futures End #48 (Ryan Sook Regular Cover), $2.99
New 52 Futures End #48 (Ryan Sook Variant Cover),
New Teen Titans Volume 2 TP, $19.99
Sinestro Annual #1, $4.99
Superman Wonder Woman #17 (Ed Benes Combo Pack Cover), $4.99
Superman Wonder Woman #17 (Ed Benes Regular Cover), $3.99
Superman Wonder Woman #17 (Gene Ha Movie Poster Variant Cover),
Teen Titans Annual #1, $4.99
Wolf Moon #5 (Of 6), $3.99
Wonder Woman #40 (David Finch & Batt Black & White Cover),
Wonder Woman #40 (David Finch & Batt Regular Cover), $2.99
Wonder Woman #40 (David Finch & Batt Variant Cover),
Wonder Woman #40 (David Finch Movie Poster Variant Cover),
Wonder Woman Volume 5 Flesh TP, $16.99
Wonder Woman Volume 6 Bones HC, $22.99
DC Deck Building Game Crossover Expansion Pack 1 JSA, $10.00
Batman 25th Anniversary Diamond Edition BD,
Batman The Complete TV Series BD,
Arkham Asylum Harley Quinn Previews Exclusive Bust Bank, $19.99
Arrow Deadshot Action Figure, $24.95
Arrow Equation T-Shirt SM, MED, LG, XL, $18.95
Arrow Equation T-Shirt XXL, $21.95
Arrow The Dark Archer Action Figure, $24.95
Batman Animated Series Batman The Animated Series Man-Bat Action Figure, $24.95
Batman Animated Series Batman The Animated Series Robin Action Figure, $24.95
Batman Animated Series Batman The Animated Series The Joker Action Figure, $24.95
Batman Black And White Batman Statue By Francis Manapul , $79.95
Bombshell Poison Ivy Womens T-Shirt SM, MED, LG, XL, $18.95
DC Batman Herofill Snap Back Cap, $25.99
DC Superman Herofill Snap Back Cap, $25.99
Death Ankh Necklace, $69.95
Deathstroke Dripping Logo Previews Exclusive Black T-Shirt SM, $17.99
Deathstroke Dripping Logo Previews Exclusive Black T-Shirt XXL, $20.99
Flash Central City Track II T-Shirt SM, MED, LG, XL,$18.95
Flash Central City Track II T-Shirt XXL, $21.95
Flash Run Barry Run T-Shirt SM, MED, LG, XL, $18.95
Flash Run Barry Run T-Shirt XXL, $21.95
Flash TV Symbol Zip Hoodie SM, MED, LG, XL, $41.95
Flash TV Symbol Zip Hoodie XXL, $44.95
Harley Quinn Crazy By Adam Hughes Womens T-Shirt SM, MED, LG, XL, $18.95
Justice League Team Stance Cap, $26.99
One-12 Collective Batman The Dark Knight Returns Previews Exclusive Action Figure, $69.99
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