The Flash: Reverse-Flash’s Concept Art Revealed

Concept artist Andy Poon gives us a look into official concept art for Tom Cavanagh’s Reverse-Flash.

Below you can take a look into two concept illustrations by Andy Poon, for ”The Man in Yellow”.



Pre-Flashpoint Reverse-Flash/Professor Zoom
Reverse-Flash on The Flash’s Pilot

You can clearly see how Reverse-Flash is bleeding red lightning in these pictures which is exactly what the character does. Looking back at episode 1 from season 1 of The Flash, Reverse-Flash did not have a yellow suit with black gradient coloring on it’s arms and legs. The Reverse-Flash in the series intro and on episode 1 wore a full yellow suit with small red lightning bolts on the mask, clearly resembling his pre-Flashpoint comic book counterpart. Now the current appearance of Reverse-Flash is more than terrifying. That yellow and black color combination (plus the distorted vibrating voice) does instill danger every time Reverse-Flash makes an appearance.

Here is what the artist has to say about his work on these fantastic concepts:

…here are 2 concepts of the Reverse Flash suits that are pretty close to the final suit in the show. The suit in the show ended up having a bit less dark grey armor than the concepts. It was pretty exciting that I got to illustrate the Reverse Flash, and I knew that it is Harrison Wells who is in the suit but I had no idea what his true identity was and the whole back story.

– Andy Poon

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Source: Andy Poon’s Blog

Antonio Jose Chavez

Antonio Jose Chavez

Antonio is a comic book artist-in process, writer and a huge fan of everything related to DC Comics. He would like to become the next Batman, however he lacks the billions to do so....oh and the ninja training too