First Look at Batman V Superman Villain Lex Luthor

Details surrounding Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice have been hard to come by. People close to the film are keeping tight-lipped. The most anybody has seen are the shots of Ben Affleck as Batman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, and Henry Cavill as the Man of Steel. We’ve also seen the Batmobile a couple of different times. If you were lucky enough to be at SDCC a small teaser was shown for Batman V Superman as well. Today Entertainment Weekly gave us our first look at another integral part of the DC Cinematic Universe. Here is the first picture of Jesse Eisenberg as notorious Superman villain Lex Luthor.

Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor                 Courtesy: EWOnline
Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor Courtesy: EWOnline

Many questions arose when Eisenberg was cast in the role. Can he handle it? Does he have the depth? Social Network is a perfect example of why he can. Throw in a little crazy and some more sociopathic tendency and BOOM. We have our new Lex. Director Zack Snyder seems excited to be debuting his version of Lex on the big screen.

“He’s not any of the Lexes that you’ve seen, that’s for sure,” says Snyder, “other than him being a captain of industry and one person to the world and another person to himself. And bald, of course.” “Our Lex is disarming and he’s not fake,” says Snyder. “He says what he believes and he says what’s on his mind. If you can unravel the string and decipher what he means, it’s all there.”

This is the first insight into the underworld of Batman V Superman, and really the whole DC Cinematic Universe. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex, Jared Leto as the Joker, and Dwayne Johnson as Black Adam are really all there is confirmed villain wise. It can be assumed that Brainiac and/or Darkseid will come into play at some point down the line. Who would you like to see your favorite hero take on in their solo film? I know I’m hoping to see Cheetah, Grodd, The Rogues, Black Manta, Sinestro, Black Hand and a lot of faces from Batman’s Rogues gallery. I secretly just want a Legion of Doom team-up in the Justice League movies.

Legion of Doom
Legion of Doom

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice comes to theatres March 25, 2016

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Source: EW