“Arrow” PaleyFest Reveals Dark Days for the Archer

L-R: Katie Cassidy, Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards

At yesterday’s PaleyFest Q&A of Arrow, the cast and crew (stars Stephen Amell, David Ramsey, Katie Cassidy, Emily Bett Rickards, Colton Haynes, Paul Blackthorne, Willa Holland, John Barrowman and Executive Producers Marg Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg and Greg Berlanti) reveal that more people will learn Oliver Queen’s secret. And Ollie will have to go to darker places before things get better:

  • The sizzle reel from the event revealed that Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh) and Detective Lance (Paul Blackthorne) find out that Oliver Queen is the Arrow.
  • Actress Emily Bett Rickards (Felicity Smoak) commented on her current relationship with Ray, and how unsure she is willing to continue working with Team Arrow. “She needs the time to go and explore other options,” states Rickards. As far as rekindling things with Oliver, ‘She’s like, ‘Hell no, I’m not going to deal with somebody who only gives half of their emotions.’ But she still cares for him deeply.”

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  • Amell revealed that Ollie will face more tough times ahead. Oliver will feel “more defeated” then ever before. “You can only stare broodingly out a window for so long,” he stated.
  • Thea is still upset over Malcolm duping her into killing Sarah Lance. “I don’t see her coming back from that lightly. I don’t see it going well,” said Willa Holland who plays Thea. “Every time he comes into the room, I just might kill him!”

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  • David Ramsey (who plays Diggle) shares that his character can balance being a father, husband, and crime fighter while it’s not currently and option for Oliver. “The struggles that Oliver has,” he stated, “Diggle has reconciled much of that. He can have a family and a wife and a child, and he can also fight crime… The struggle that Oliver has, Diggle doesn’t.”
  • When a young audience member asked about Season 4, Kreisberg responded because of how Season 3 ends, “The show will never be the same again.”

Sources: The Hollywood Reporter and TV Line

Kevin Gunn

Kevin Gunn

Kevin is married with 4 children and 4 grandchildren. He lives in Louisville, KY. He loves all things related to DC Comics, even movies that get a bad rep like "Batman & Robin" and "Catwoman". Kevin began writing for the site in 2015 as a Staff Writer. His passion for writing stories caught the eye of the editorial staff, and earned him a position as Assistant Editor. He has a degree in Communication from the University of Louisville. His favourite DC hero and villain are Black Lightning and Black Manta respectively. Kevin tries to exemplify being a hero everyday by helping others. Something interesting about him: he was a contestant on "Wheel of Fortune". - Follow him on Twitter - @captsigma