Arrow: Murmur Revealed For Next Episode, “The Offer”

The CW has released the official description for “The Offer,” the next Episode of Arrow which will air on March 18th.

Official Description:

DC COMICS VILLAIN MURMUR SWEEPS INTO STARLING CITY – Still  weighed down by his last meeting with Ra’s Al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable), Oliver (Stephen Amell) returns home to find a new villain and his crew have started terrorizing Starling City – Michael Amar AKA Murmur (guest star Adrian Glynn McMorran), a man whose mouth has been sewn shut. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassady) and Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) bond over their issues with their fathers and Nyssa makes Laurel an offer. Thea (Willa Holland) is forced to come to terms with her father after Oliver brings Malcom (John Barrowman) to the loft to recover, and Lance (Paul Blackthorne) shuts out Laurel and Arrow. Dermott Downs directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Brian Ford Sullivan (#316). Original airdate 3/18/2015.



Who is Murmur?

Doctor Michael Amar was a well respected surgeon in the twin towns of Central and Keystone City. However, he was also a ruthless serial killer who muttered uncontrollably as he slaughtered his victims. Amar was eventually captured by the officers of Keystone Department of Meta-human Hostility, who identified the killer by his weird vocal quirk.

Murmur cut out his own tongue and crudely sewed up his mouth to silence his incessant droning, the clue that gave him away and sent him to Death Row. Incarcerated at Iron Heights, a maximum security penitentiary, he escaped during a breakout engineered by the villain Blacksmith. Murmur escaped and became a member of Flash III’s Rogue Gallery, his murderous ways barely held in check.

Murmur first appeared in The Flash: Iron Heights (October 2001) one-shot, written by Geoff Johns with art by Ethan Van Sciver.

Powers and abilities: Murmur possesses no superhuman powers. However, is a skilled surgeon who uses various knives and blades to brutally murder his victims and cut out their tongues.

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Thomas ODonnell

Thomas ODonnell

My love of comics started at the age of 5, when visions of mythic beings fought their way across my TV screen. Batman '66, Super Friends, Wonder Woman, and Superman '78 filled my early childhood with imagination and adventure. Soon enough I found the spinner rack! Batman, Justice League and DC's Who's Who kept me coming back for more. I've seen the death of hope, justice broken, a light extinguished, and a universe torn! A kingdom come, the lightning return, a triumph of evil and a multiverse reborn!