Play Arts Kai Releases Upcoming Wild West Batman Timeless Promotional Photos

Wild Wild West meets Batman in this all-new promotional images of the upcoming Timeless Wild West Batman figure.

Square Enix has released some images of an upcoming Play Arts Kai figure, the Timeless Wild West Batman. The figure looks like a mixture of the wild west theme with steam punk and of course, all blended into The Dark Knight. The piece, as others in the same line posses several points of articulation. Batman sports a slashed cape, probably damaged in battle, a grappling hook gun, and what seems to be bullets (not a common trait for the Dark Knight) or maybe gas pellets. Plus he is handling the famous Batarangs. The figure retains that anime style showcased by the line of Play Arts Kai figures. Take a look at the promotional pictures below!


wild west
Play Arts Kai Wild West Batman Timeless



Play Arts Kai Wild West Batman Timeless


There was no release date or pricing information released as of yet for this figure. It is set to be released at Toy Fair 2015.

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Antonio Jose Chavez

Antonio Jose Chavez

Antonio is a comic book artist-in process, writer and a huge fan of everything related to DC Comics. He would like to become the next Batman, however he lacks the billions to do so....oh and the ninja training too