Suicide Squad Cast Revealed

No more line-up rumors and fan casts after today. The cast of the upcoming Suicide Squad movie was released just hours ago. Earlier today it was reported that many of the rumored celebrities surrounding the film were in final negotiations. That was confirmed not to long after by Variety with a cast list and a production start date. The announcement is probably the most exciting DCU update since the full slate of movies debuted earlier this year.


Task Force-X regular Deadshot will be played by Will Smith. A great actor in both sci-fi and action genres. Tom Hardy will come back to the DCU family to play Suicide Squad leader Rick Flag. After the hush-hush attitude, yes pun intended, Jared Leto will be playing the Clown Prince of Crime himself, Joker. Either by his side or trying to kill him will be Margot Robbie playing Harley Quinn. The crew is rounded out by Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang and Cara Delevinge will play Enchantress. Delevinge was earlier rumored to be in talks to play Ms. Quinzel. As far as I’m concerned the people at WB/DC did a remarkable job with the casting choices.

David Ayer is the writer and director of the upcoming Suicide Squad film currently dubbed Bravo-14. Among the producers the seasoned Zack Snyder is on board as well as DC powerhouse Geoff Johns. President, creative development, and worldwide production Greg Silverman says, “The Warner Bros. roots are deep on this one.” Everyone involved seems to have high hopes for the upcoming picture. “We look forward to seeing this terrific ensemble, under Ayer’s amazing guidance, give new meaning to what it means to be a villain and what it means to be a hero,” continued Silverman.

Oprah is on a short list to play Amanda Waller and she is said to be option number one. If she doesn’t pan out maybe the producers should give Kerry Washington from Scandal a call. Washington could do a great job at portraying The Wall.

sslogoAfter Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, the Suicide Squad movie will be the first in line to follow. This will be a big opportunity for DC to really show what they are made of. Ayer starts filming this April in Toronto. The film is set for release August 5, 2016.



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Source: Variety & THR