Wonder Woman Nabs Director

macshotThe new Wonder Woman film has finally snagged its director. Michelle MacLaren has been given the honor of directing this upcoming feature. Considering this is Wonder Woman’s first big screen appearance, MacLaren essentially has sailed into uncharted territory. The only basis of comparison would be the series from the 1970s. A big overhaul will be happening for Wonder Woman this time around. Gal Gadot looks stunning as the Amazon Princess, and we will soon seen her debut in Dawn of Justice.

Michelle MacLaren may not be a household name like Spielberg, but I’m positive you have seen some of her work. MacLaren has worked on critically acclaimed shows like The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and my personal favorite, Breaking Bad. She certainly knows grit and how to portray a great story. It was widely known that Warner Bros. wanted a female director and MacLaren was chosen from a list of power house women. Jennifer Kent of The Babadook and Lesli Linka Glatter who worked on the widely loved Homeland were just two women MacLaren beat out.

With this deal worked out it looks as though the solo screen appearance of the Amazonian Princess is moving forward smoothly. The last director attached to the project was Joss Whedon and he left in 2007. While the writers are still anonymous the report said MacLaren will assist in finishing the script. This marks a milestone in comic book movie history because Michelle MacLaren will be the first female director to helm a project like this.

It will be fun to watch over the next few months and see script spoilers and character rumors. Gal Gadot will soon make her presence felt as Wonder Woman as she joins Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill in Batman V Superman. MacLaren and Gadot will the team up to release the first solo Wonder Woman film in 2017.

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Source: Comicbook & THR