The titular trio finds themselves ambushed by the evil Nimraa in Trinity of Sin #2. Written by J. M. DeMatteis and illustrated by Yvel Guichet, Trinity of Sin #2 picks up right where the debut issue left off, with Pandora and the Phantom Stranger in the clutches of Nimraa.
A new villain, Nimraa intends to use the powers of the Trinity of Sin to bring forth the Dark Earth, an alternate world from which Nimraa originates. Nimraa explains that the Dark Earth has always existed, but was overtaken by the world of light, thus removing Nimraa and her race from power. The Phantom Stranger and Pandora brazenly head into action, fueled by their anger at the events of the debut issue. This proves to be part of Nimraa’s gambit, as the duo are transported into the Shadowlands, a plane of existence created by Nimraa.
With the Pandora and the Phantom Stranger trapped, Nimraa turns her attention to the final member of the Trinity of Sin, the Question. Mourning the loss of his friend, the Question is easily lured into the trap as well, and Nimraa gathers the Trinity’s totems to begin the next stage of its plan, bringing Dark Earth forward in place of the current one.
Yvel Guichet’s line art continues to impress. Nimraa’s design is intricately detailed and could easily become messy, but Guichet’s lines are cleanly defined. A good portion of J. M. DeMatteis’ script allows for Guichet to show off his action skill set. There’s also some good panel usage to display the horror of another Earth appearing in the sky of the current one. The foreboding opening to the issue is a nice demonstration of the writing and artwork melding together to tell the story and helps set the atmosphere for the entire issue.
Unfortunately, Trinity of Sin #2 is hindered by a limited script. Last month’s issue suffered from an imbalance between the plot and the comic book action, and that trend worsens here. This issue features two fights: Pandora and the Phantom Stranger vs. Nimraa, and the Question vs. Nimraa. Neither one is particularly long, and Nimraa clearly has the upperhand before they start, removing all tension from the proceedings. DeMatteis does a good job of using captions to convey some of the exposition to Nimraa’s plans, but the series hasn’t taken the time to set up any emotional stakes. The world may be in danger, but it’s hard for the reader to care.
Trinity of Sin #2 is a disappointing misstep after last month’s debut. Yvel Guichet’s artwork continues to be the series’ strongpoint, but it would be nice to see the series give its reader a chance to know its lead characters and become invested in their ordeals. Right now it feels like a lot of empty bluster.