Shirtless Bruce Wayne in Batman V Superman?

Not only will Batman go fists to cuffs with the man of steel, but it may also appear that they may be having a shirtless standoff. In Man of Steel, Henry Cavill was shirtless in a scene in his portrayal as Clark Kent , it was reported that he worked for months on end to attain a comic accurate Superman physique. We know that Ben Affleck has also been working on his physique for his debut into the new DC cinematic universe, further hints are shown in his latest film ‘Gone Girl’.



Following on from the San Diego Comic Con teaser trailer, fans will be expecting an epic showdown between DC’s greatest heroes, so both actors have been continuing their physical training. Ben Affleck’s trainer, Rehan Jalali was reported to have teased a maybe shirtless Bruce Wayne, where he mentions that fans can all admire Affleck’s new buff body, but he then denied any formal knowledge of the anticipated film.

Not to expect too much from Affleck as he will be playing an older and much experienced Batman, and judging on from the SDCC teaser, the battle will likely be Superman vs Mech-Suit Batman.



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Source – Inquisitr