Vertigo Comics set for ‘Rebrand’ in 2015

Vertigo Comics, a DC Comics imprint that focuses on mature content and creator-owned IPs was created in 1993 by Karen Berger. The imprint produced such award winning and acclaimed book line ups such as ‘Y: The Last Man,’ ‘V for Vendetta,’ ‘Fables,’ ‘Sweet Tooth’ and many more great titles, and is now seemingly focused on a rebranding.



DC Entertainment are in the works of switching things up all in the lead up to 2015. Changes include the move of DC Comics from New York to Burbank, CA, all to work better with other DC operations in California. And now there are talks of a Vertigo Comics rebranding. During an interview at the 2014 New York Comic Con, ICV2 spoke to DC Co-Publishers Dan Didio and Jim Lee about their plans for Vertigo Comics.



Come 2015, the publisher suggested that there are plans to add top-tier talent to Vertigo, seen as part of a broader attempt to “rebrand” the line. Jim Lee stated:

“If you look at what we’re going to do in 2015 (which I’m not at liberty to discuss at this moment), possibly first quarter next year, you’ll see that we’re going through a major effort to rebrand the imprint. That’s going to come about through the projects themselves. We’re working on a hit list of the top creators in the business and we have some exciting news to unveil in the early part of 2015.”

Dan DiDio briefly spoke of the Vertigo’s controversial royalty program changes of how it places more focus on the collected edition and digital markets than DC ever has in the past, which he explained has been well-received among creators. DiDio stated:

“The reason we made the change is to be competitive with the other publishers in the sense that we’re working from a system that allows us more flexibility in regards to pricing and strategies.  We’re going to be moving into different markets and also different formats.”

Are you a Vertigo reader? What is your favorite title? What major DC talent would you love to see in a Vertigo story?

Source – ICV2