David S. Goyer Attached to New Show ‘Krypton’

With hype surrounding comic book shows, such as The Flash, Arrow, Constantine and Gotham, it is not surprising to see so many networks jumping on the comic book series bandwagon. One of the new hit series is Gotham, which focuses on the pre-Batman days of many of the characters, teasing new the audience of what is to come week to week. Well it seems like there might be a new comic series similar to Gotham on the horizon and it is called Krypton.



David S. Goyer, who was the writer/producer for Man of Steel and for the television adaptation of Constantine, is attached to Krypton. With a name like Krypton it is easy to guess that the “Superman Universe” is involved. Besides being portrayed in the film Man of Steel, Krypton has been a part of comic book stories for a number of years; two examples are “World Of Krypton” and “For The Man Who Has Everything”, which make it easy to see why a show based on the fictitious planet would be great!


No further news on casting or a possible release date has been announced on the potential series. DC Comics News will keep you updated as soon as more news comes in on Krypton.

Source: Bleeding Cool